Monday, July 16, 2012

My Elementary School Scrap Book

Scrap books! I showed the kids my old one from elementary school...and then they made their own.
                                                    First, take a look at theirs. Beautiful!

Check this out:

Now, take a look at

My Scrap Book:

                                                                      Third Grade

Can you decode this? 

It says... "I found out that I learned that I heard a cricket."

Fourth Grade

We had to write a story about thanksgiving..

My favorite couple of lines...

Fifth Grade

Side note: Interesting...this is the year that 9/11 happened..

Sixth Grade

I was a soccer buff. I wanted to be a professional soccer player. I find it strange that Mia Hamm retired in 2004...time flies.

        And...some extra photos:
                                                               Universal Studios
                                                Nashoba United Team Soccer...N.U.T.S.
                                       Dooma when she was a baby. She still acts like one. <3

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