Monday, July 16, 2012

My Elementary School Scrap Book

Scrap books! I showed the kids my old one from elementary school...and then they made their own.
                                                    First, take a look at theirs. Beautiful!

Check this out:

Now, take a look at

My Scrap Book:

                                                                      Third Grade

Can you decode this? 

It says... "I found out that I learned that I heard a cricket."

Fourth Grade

We had to write a story about thanksgiving..

My favorite couple of lines...

Fifth Grade

Side note: Interesting...this is the year that 9/11 happened..

Sixth Grade

I was a soccer buff. I wanted to be a professional soccer player. I find it strange that Mia Hamm retired in 2004...time flies.

        And...some extra photos:
                                                               Universal Studios
                                                Nashoba United Team Soccer...N.U.T.S.
                                       Dooma when she was a baby. She still acts like one. <3

Monday, July 9, 2012

Nazzaro Community Center

                                                                 ^^^ Mira ^^^
                                                              ^^^Ava ^^^



Saturday, July 7, 2012

You deserve a break...

Here listen to this song....

93 Million Miles - is the song - thanks to my roomate for introducing it to me. haha love it.

Something About Life #1: Inspiring things

Dear Friends,

I believe life is filled with multi purpose not just with one direction.

Jumping, Laughing and Good Friendships

                                         Creating                                          Being that inner kid.

                                                 Summertime and Playing with your food.

And so much more...


Love as always,

- TC

Friday, July 6, 2012

Life as We Know it.

Blogs can be the same old thing. But with pictures you guys can get to be part of the experience.

Here are some updates:

                               These Hands Are Part of a Design for a Public Art work Appliction.

There are many more hands of course these are just a few examples. :)

                               I have a wall titled "Art of the Week" and was excited to find this one there. <3

Painted Puzzles!

                                Time Capsules (still need to be barried until the end of summer camp!)