Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Community Art - Dream becomes reality and more.

Let me just tell you that this project has brought more excitement than I could ever imagine. I know I have not been posting more documentation of my process while working with the kids on this project, due to being away from work during the holidays (in New Mexic with family), but also due to the lack of confidence that the project will work...yes, I know...tisk tisk to losing confidence here and there for a project I so badly want to fully develope, but...listen to what is the current mind set that I am in because today was amazng and I will show you why.... I realized in my last post I was sad for many reasons...but I was looking at it the wrong way....and I admit to these feelings here because I want readers who are trying to do what I am doing (planning art projects for kids) that there are ups and downs to every project, and I am not perfect I like sharing things that I have learned. Hope it helps btw.

So the last post was...negative thinking, and I was sad because the project didn't quite start where I hoped it would...but that was due to being impatient, I was trying to slap a strict time frame (on myself) to get the project completed because I just simply wanted to see if I could....but to be impatient is never a good thing. The point of doing this art project is for the kids to have fun...if I was always impatient and dictating their pace thats my fault for not loosening up, letting them be in free flowing mind set (which is the recipe for creativity to happen) is utlimately letting nature take its course. I had to suck up my negative feelings and readjust my expectations. thats called growth :) learning from trial and error

This post is...positivite, casting a wider outlook, seeing/witnessing amazing things starting to happen, adjective: exicitement,  also theres a plethera of patience that I have this time. Key words (for what is making this project successful): TIME to give the kids time to develope ideas, because each day the kids do different things to the project AND each day their motiviation increases. PATIENCE is another obviously, to keep telling myself that patience makes me slow down, and when you slow down you see  more, and the more you see the more you more grow, healthy growth needs more time. CONFIDENCE is the other because it keeps me calm to know what I am doing and allows me to direct many kids in a fast pace environment smoothley. Finally, CREATIVITY is my philosophy, my definition of creativity is: a relm of thought that is able to consider any possibilities with out interuption or derailment of an idea developing in motion, where anything considered impractical is imaginable, is possible, and in turn anything imaginable can become possible in reality. Example, a kid is given paint and a paintbrush, I turn away to talk to someone, and while my back is facing the kid, him or her decides to paint his or her hand, stamps it down on a surface, then paints a stem from their hand imprint and creates a flower. Boom, idea has been born.  (All within a couple of seconds because ideas that are acted out impulsively are as they say "spur of the moment." The definition of spur of the moment is in fact: on impulse; without premeditation.)    

So, this morning here is the progress that has been made without trying to control so much, like I did in the first week...pictures :)